June 2016
This show leads off a three-day cluster, with all-breed shows by Puyallup Valley Dog Fanciers and the Tacoma Kennel Club on Saturday and Sunday.
Congratulations to Terrier group winner West Highland White Terrier CH Flashlight Thunder vom Paradise of Wind. 12/31/10. Breeder: Jorg Bauer, and Martina Bauer. Owners: Lindy Barrow, Jorg Bauer, and Martina Bauer. (Dog)
Also to Best Junior Handler Shahntae Martinez with Australian Terrier Johmanda’s Scooby Doo for Arista. 5/26/13. Breeder: Kim Floyd. Owners: Shahntae Martinez, Pamela Levy (Dog)
And to best puppy group winner Smooth Fox Terrier J’Cobe Rachel by Raybills. 7/21/15. Breeder: William R Dalling and Carol Hurley. Owner: Shannon Theel . (Bitch)
And finally to NOHS group winner Glen of Imaal Terrier GCH CH Keadeen’s Blue Boy for Bluesette CA RATM. 3/11/14. Breeder: Amy D Tighe, and Jerry Kindall. Owners: Geoffrey Dairiki, Sandra Distefano, Amy D Tighe, and Jerry Kindall. (Dog)
See photos below.
We are happy to report that the entry count continues to grow each year. This year there are 169 entries from 162 dogs in 27 breeds.
Parking at the fairgrounds will no longer be free on Friday. Paid parking will be available in the “blue lot” for $5.