January 2018
This show leads off a four-day cluster, with all-breed shows by Gig Harbor Kennel Club, the Tacoma Kennel Club, and the Puyallup Valley Dog Fanciers.
The group will be judged by Linda Wells; the NOHS group by Karen Ericson; BBE group by Kari Hill. Linda Wells will judge the Juniors.
Congratulations to the group winners!
CH Kingarthur van Foliny Home (Wire Fox Terrier, dog, 10/1/11) Breeders: De Munter R, Uiterwijk D, Owner: Victor Malzoni
Mazeppa Hartwood (Smooth Fox Terrier, bitch, 3/19/16) Breeders: M Montigny, Doucet, Owners: Michele Luther, Delphine Montigny